Episode 13 - Dan Riegler


What are the costs of our food choices?


Dan Riegler

In this episode, I chat with Dan about the impact of our food choices and why we need to take a closer look at the animal agriculture system. We also chat about his journey into the lifestyle, his passion for eastern and western food cultures and where the food tech space is heading in Asia. We address the misconceptions surrounding plant-based meat alternatives and if you are interested in being a part of this growing space, what to best do as an entrepreneur.

All this and much more on this week’s episode.

Who is Dan Riegler?

Dan Riegler is the co-founder of Karana, a company that optimizes natural SE Asian ingredients like jackfruit and banana blossoms for use in food. He’s a fantastic advocator of the plant based diet and has an exceptional knowledge on how to eat healthier, and how making true alternatives to meat will help improve the world.

Resources and Links:

Connect with Dan on:

Web, Instagram, Facebook


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